~*Backstreet Boys Trading World*~
Videos- NTSC (american) format #1
NTSC Format page # 10
NTSC Format page # 9
Backstreet Boys REAL photos
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Backstreet Boys Videos & Homevideos - NTSC (American) format pages 1->10
Black and Blue Tour
Willa Ford Audios
Willa Ford TV and Home Videos
Offical Videos Plus Video Clips
Backstreet PAL Homevideos
Other Appearances (PAL)
O-Town TV & Homevideos (NTSC)
NSYNC Videos
*NSYNC Audios
Nsync REAL photos
Christina Aguilera Audios
Christina Aguilera Videos
Jessica Simpson
Britney Spears Audios
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Other artists videos
other artists audios (O-Town, Jessica, Mandy etc)
Wish List

Videos taped in NTSC

the following video tapes are in NTSC format which is the north american video format, if you're from US you'll be able to view them in any VCR. if you're from Europe you would need VCR which is compatible with both NTSC and PAL formats. I can try to copy the NTSC footages in PAL foramt as well if you wish, but the footage would have small lines through out the footage and it will stay in better quality in NTSC anyway.

Tape #1-
~BK commercial No.1; Big kids meal
~BK commercial No.2; exclusive producers
~BK commrcial No.3; concert clips
<+> *CBS The Early Show: Int. w Nick, Howie, & Kevin
in the recording studio in the Bahamas, sneak
preview of new tracks on the upcoming album
<+> MTV News: news that Kevin married Kristin on Sat,
6/17 in Lexington, KY, short int. w/ Howie
about upcoming album & song writing
June 21,2000
<+> VH-1 The Daily One Show: Kevin marries June 22,2000
<+> MTV TRL: Kevin marries June 22,2000
<+> Much Music Rapid Fax: Kevin marries June 22,2000
<+> Much Music Fax: marriage news on Kevin June 25,2000
<+> Extra: Aj & Howie at the Lupus 2000 concert
June 26,2000
<+> E! News Daily: Kevin & Kristin at a Versace show
June 27,2000
<+> MTV TRL: Lupus 2000 concert June 28,2000
<+> Access Hollywood: Lupus 2000 concert, brief int. w/
Howie June 28,2000
<+> Much Music Rapid Fax: Lupus 2000 concert, Howie &
Aj on stage, Howie & his sister Pollyanna singing
on stage, brief int. w/Howie & Aj July 2,2000
<+> MTV TRL: brief int w/Howie about Andre Csillag &
the official photo book July 3,2000
<+> E! News Daily: Party In The Park in London, glimpse
July 10,2000
<+> MTV TRL: Brian's dogs returned July 24,2000
<+> Much Music Rapid Fax: BSB sighting in Toronto to
Shoot Burger King commercials, fans outside
July 25,2000
<+> Much Music Fax: Official book, int. w/ Howie & Aj
July 29,2000
<+> CBS 60 Minutes II: story and int. w/ Lou Pearlman
old clips of BSB Aug 22,2000
<+> MTV TRL: phone call from Nick talking about letting
fans choosing the next single
<+> MTV TRL: phone call from Kevin, "The One" Winner
for next single
<LI> MTV TRL: Johnny No Name concerts, brief int. w/Aj
<+> MTV News: Johnny No Name kickoff show in LA, brief
int., "Down" concert clip, brief int. w/ Kevin about
other projects & upcoming album

Tape #2
<+> Britney Spears Home video Concert Chicago IL March 22nd 00
<+> ET - Brians wedding 9/5/2000
<+> ET - Brians wedding + coming up tomorrow in ET
<+> ET - Brian and ligh anne homevideos the days up the wedding
<+> Nsync pay per view concert 1999
<+> Disney concert w/ Britney spears - 30 min
<+> 2000 Grammy awards show britney spears from the bottom of my broken
heart + Baby one more time Live .

Tape #3

<+>1/2 hour of BSB LIVE(Millennium Concert..) 1999
<+>BSB FAN CONFERENCE in october 1999..las vegas..starts out bad also but
gets better
<+>BSB w/Elton John. (Grammys 2000)
<+>ALL THAT..BSB sing as long as you love me..98
<+>Nick talks about new single on TRL..2000
<+>Kevin announces new single on TRL..2000
<+>video of SMTMOBL..2000
<+>MTV NEWS..interview w/ brian and kevin about their wedding
TRL..bsb talk about grammys..2000
<+>VH1..before they were rock stars..1998
<+>TRL...BSB fan meets the BSB..1999
<+>BSB live in orlando...1999
<+>Grammy interview..2000
<+>Kevin, AJ, Brian talk on TRL..1999
<+>TRL retires IWITW..video of IWITW..1999
Howie in Parenthood..
<+>BSB NEWS on TRL..bsb make a video tape in europe..1999
<+>BSB disney concert..1999
<+>BSB LIVE 2 hour special on trl..1999
<+>BSB live 1/2 hour special on trl...1999
<+>1999 Video Music Awards..bsb sing LTL and IWITW
<+>at the end it shows a part of BSB and shania twain but for some reason
it cuts it off

Tape #4
<+>NSYNC HBO concert -- FULL

Tape #5
<+>NSYNC N the Mix

Tape #6
<+>MTV Cribs with AJ Oct 5th 00
<+>CBS the early show : at the recording studio in Bahamas ( Nick, Kev and howie)
<+>MTV TRL : Guest Oct 9th 00
<+>MTV Making the video Shape of my heart
<+> CBS the early show interview Nov 2000
<+>WGN morning news : New CD Nov 21, 00
<+> CBS the early show SOMH, medley AIHTG , WITW, TIME &#8211; Nov 22,00
<+> Interview with Howie talking about Caroline and Lupus Nov 23th 00
<+>MTV TRL presents BSB over brodway Nov 21, 00
<+> MTV Diary : Around the world in the 100 hrs tour Dec 2nd 2002
<+> MTV TOP 40 of 100 greatest songs from beatels to BSB Nov 25th 2000
<+>2000 Billboard Music awards Nick and aaron presenting female artists of the year Dec 5th 2000
<+ Much music rapid fax int oct 2002

Tape #7
Nsync and Britney Spears : Your #1 video requests and more

Tape #8
<+>BSB Burger King video -- 2000

Tape #9
<+>JNN concert : LA March 2000
<+>Boston pro shot Millennium show
<+ 1993 promo video
<+> Teen people hottests under 25
<+> Inenmate and interactive ( QPG outside) homevideo
<+> Nick carter Tampa interview
<+> Teen people hottest under 21: Nick and Britney spears
<+> Kevin at Jay Leno
<+> Aj on the today show
<+> Aarons part come and get it : video clip
<+> Britney Hawai Special
<+> Britney in Paris Musque plus special
<+ >Tearing up my heart nsync video clip

Tape #10
<+>The view Feb 6th 01
<+>BSB perform anthem at the super bowel
<+> Jay leno March 16th 01
<+> Celb death math BSB Vs Nsync
<+> Rosie odonnel show special Nov 2000
<+> pre game show at much music Feb 6th 01
<+> Who wants to be a millionnare BSB only

Tape #11
+ Toronto , Canada B&B concert Feb 7th 01 hour 40
+ GMA Howie - Febuary 5th 2001
+ Today Show - Febuary 6th 2001
+ NBC Instyle Wedding - Brian & Leighanne

Tape #12
+ Countdown to BSB live in Much music
+ Much Music BSB live Feb 6th 01
+Ponic B&B concert : Feb 15th 01
+ BSB at Otro Rollo Mexican show

Tape #13
+Backstreet Boys B&B concert @ NY . Feb 5th : FULL show. Approx 1 hr 45 min.

Tape #14
*Black & Blue concert in Toronto on February 7th 2001 (not the same footage than the one below): Everyone, Larger than life, What makes you different, Yes I will, More than that, IWITW, Not for me, Show me the meaning, wardrobe skit (funny), INBYH, I promise you and How did I fall in love singing on the little stage in the back (really great and clear close-ups of them :)), Time; filmed from the giant screen til when they sing on the little stage, where then it's filmed right from the stage with awesome close-ups. The songs cut off and on throughout the footage but it has the best quality!!! -33 minutes-

*Black & Blue concert in Minneapolis, MN on February 17th 2001: it's the whole concert. Some little problems with the sound at times but great quality and zooms. Filmed from the lower level -1h27-

-Nick and AJ going into the tourbus in Toronto on March 15th 2000; really good quality -40 seconds-

- BSB at the Four Seasons hotel in Toronto on February 6th and 7th 2001: we can see all of them going into a van and then leaving. We can see Nick leaving the hotel as well as AJ, Kevin signing autographs. Then, we can see Howie signing autographs as he leaves to go into the tourbus; fair quality -14 minutes-

- Howie signing autographs in the hotel in Minneapolis, MN on February 17th 2001; good quality -2 minutes-

-On the set of SOMH videoshooting: we can see AJ smoking and talking with a girl, all of them signing autographs, eating, Nick with Mandy, and much more; interesting to watch and great quality -43 minutes-

- Nick, Howie and Kevin signing autographs in St-Louis in March 200; great quality -7 min30-

-Nick in Reach for a book: it's an educational video that Nick was in when he was about 12 years old. Fun to see him that young :) -30 minutes-

-BSB in Tokyo, Japan leaving the hotel at night on November 18th 2000; excellent quality -37 seconds

-Black & Blue concert in Nassau, NY on February 4th 2001: Everyone, Larger than life, Howie talking and they make the audience sing with them Happy birthday to one of their security guards, Shining star, Kevin talking (real great close-up of him), What makes you different (great close-up of AJ and Brian), Yes I will, More than that, Not for me, Show me the meaning, wardrobe skit (half of it), INBYH, I promise you, How did I fall in love, Time, The answer to our life, AIHTG/If you stay, Everybody, Get another boyfriend, The call, Shape of my heart; filmed from the side of the stage. Great quality and great filming with good close-ups -1h14-

-Extra: about Kids Choice Awards 2001 (Kevin talking about Rosie)
-CBS Speacial May 2000 ( full hour)
Access Hollywood: about the World Music Awards 2001
- Entertainment Tonight: about the WMAs 2001
- Interfax: the big announcement of BSB going to the Musique Plus studios in July 2001 for a special :)) IN FRENCH
- YTV's Hit List: news on Howie benefit concert for Lupus 2001, premiere of Aaron's video "I want candy", Leslie answering the celebrity question + news on BSB's tour
- Commercial made by them for their CBS special "Backstreet Boys: Larger than life" (long one)
- Commercial made by them for their CBS special "Backstreet Boys: Larger than life" (short one)
- Access Hollywood: about BSB on 6 different covers of TV Guides (short)
- Commercial for their special "Backstreet Boys: Larger than life" on Musique Plus on May 30th (same special as CBS)
- Access Hollywood: AJ's and Nick's quote of the day about O-Town
- Commercial made by them for their CBS special "Backstreet Boys: Larger than life" (different long one)
- Commercial for their appearance on The Early Show of May 30th 2001 (they tell what's on The Early Show for that week)
- Access Hollywood: instant access about the students who missed school for TRL Retirement
- World Music Awards 2001: win an award and thank their fans (aren't there live) + we can see a performance of More than that from Mexico (it's not the same performance than on Otro Rollo)...**For those who wants Shaggy's performance, let me know cuz I have it. He sings It wasn't me and Angel**
- Commercial for their appearance on The Early Show (it's only a commercial about them)
-The Early Show: of May 30th 2001, interview with them
- Access Hollywood: on the set of Krystal's video for Supergirl with Howie, Kevin, Whitney Houston and other. They also talk about Whitney's new movie "Princess Diaries" that Supergirl is on the soundtrack-VH1 Divas Live 2001: AJ, Howie and Kevin are there and sing a song with Aretha Franklin at the beginning of the show and a sing with all the artists at the end (the entire show)-TRL: from 2001, AJ telling what they need backstage
- TRL: clip of interview with Nick and Brian in 2001
- TRL Spring Break commercial made by them
- Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2001: Aaron winning for best rising star (Nick smashing a cream pie in his face), Nick and Leslie introducing Aaron, Aaron singing That's how I beat Shaq, Nick, Aaron and Kevin burping and BSB but AJ singing More than that (it's only BSB's, Leslie's and Aaron's parts I have)
-Access Hollywood: about VH1 Divas Live (we can see AJ, Kevin and Howie)
- Entertainment Tonight: about VH1 Divas Live (we can see AJ, Kevin and Howie

Tape #15
-Black & Blue concert in Orlando on June 8th 2001: Good quality -1h20
-Black & Blue concert in Albany, NY on June 30th 2001: -1h21-
- BSB at hotel in Albany on June 30th 2001: Nick getting out of the bus and walking through the hotel (he wears glasses), Kevin signing autographs (that's mostly him we see during this footage) and Brian with Leighanne walking to get in the hotel; excellent quality -12 min30-
-Krystal at getting in hotel in Albany on June 30th 2001; excellent quality -30 seconds-
- BSB in the tourbus at night on February 13th 2001; good quality -2 min30-
- Press conference in NY on November 21st 2000 for the release of Black & Blue; -51 minutes-
- BSB on The Early Show in November 2000: singing Shape of my heart and medley of AIHTG, IWITW and Time a couple of times and being interviewed by the host; good quality but the view is blocked a bit by some people -23 minutes-
-Black & Blue concert in Mexico in March 2001 from Sky Interactive: it's the whole concert. It has a great quality but at times, image becomes fuzzy and we don't see anything for a few seconds
- Kev and AJ at the hotel in NY for Divas Live 2001
- ABC's 20/20: interview with AJ's mom talking about AJ's alcohol problems (very emotional interview)
- Extra: report about AJ's recovery
- Access Hollywood: report about AJ's recovery and footage of him at the premiere of American Pie II

Tape #16
-Willa talks about her anti-fans
- Kristin's clips on Cher concert from Fox Family channel
-Access Hollywood: Krystal's CD release
-CNN Showbiz Today: NSYNC basketball challenge (glimpse of Willa)
-Live with Regis and Kelly: Willa singing I wanna be bad
-Interfax: about AJ's problems with alcohol and depression and postponement
of the tour
-AH: Krystal's CD release + postponement of tour because of Nick's broken hand
-CNN Showbiz Today: boys talking about AJ's alcohol problems and depression
-Entertainment Tonight: Joey McIntyre on alcohol in boybands
-Access Hollywood: postponement of the tour again of 2 weeks
- Entertainment Tonight: postponement of the tour again of 2 weeks
- Entertainment Tonight: stars going in rehab
- Extra: about stars going in rehab
- Entertaiment Tonight: AJ's recovery
-BSB MTV groove on dance 1996 howie talks a bit
-The View: hosts wishing AJ the best for recovering from his alcohol problems
-NBC news from Denver: AJ going in rehab
-News: photos of Howie and Kevin in a bar in Mexico
called "Bar Gotico"