VIDEOS: ~I Wanna Love You Forever (not in full, sorry) ~Where You Are RARE US release only with Nick Lachey from 98
Degrees ~Irresistable ~Irresistible REMIX Music video
LIVE: ~Jessica Simpson TOTP Irresistible ~VIVA
Interaktiv with Jessica Simpson @studio 2001. It's a recent interview and she perfroms "Irresistible ~TOTP German
preforamce of I Wanna Love You Forever
NEW! ~Jessica performing Irresistible on TRL ~I Think I'm In Love With
You World Aids Day Concert Where You Are Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 99 ~I Think I'm In Love With You FOX/Trouble
Music Mania concert special ~I Think I'm In Love With You Top Of The Pops ~Daily Edition news clips pop princesses
~Pepsi charts small interview 2001 ~Top Of The Pops Plus small interview
HOMEVIDEOS: ~Jessica Simpson
home video of sound check and performance for early show 5/24/01 her sister talks to the camera *NO TRADES* ~Jessica
Simpson at Wango Tango 2001 her entire set there.very good sound and clear picture, but not good zoom. *PLAYLIST*:
I Never (not from its start), I think Im in Love with you, intro, talking to the crowd, A little bit, Irresistible
*Jessica KISS 108 in Boston (home video)* *I Think I'm In Love With You SMTV LIVE* *Disney Concert with
special guest Nick Lachey* *Interview and clip from FOX/Trouble music mania special, also interviewing 98 degrees*
Jessica-Y100 Wing Ding Hollywood radio show in Miami, FL 10-22-00.
Great quality homevideo
-Rockin for the USA: Jessica Simpson preforming Irresistible
- Entertainment Tonight: Jessica talks about virginity & upcoming marriges to Nick
- Extra : Rockin'
for the USA (5/24/02)